173 - Crafting a Clear Vision: Use the StoryArc Method to Create a Vision Statement that Matters
In this vision-focused episode of No Boring Stories, Alex shares the StoryArc Vision, and explores the art of crafting compelling vision statements for brands.
Diving into Simon Sinek's concepts of the infinite game and the deeper 'why', Alex guides listeners through the StoryArc Method—Picture, Problem, Process, Possible—to create vision statements that inspire and resonate; stressing the importance of authenticity, problem definition, and a clear process for transformation.
Practical advice, and authentic experience, this episode a comprehensive guide to developing visionary brand communication.
00:34 Exciting News for Story Arc
06:24 Story Arc Vision Statement
09:47 The Problem with Finite Goals
15:59 Structuring Your Vision with the Story Arc Method
16:47 Defining the Picture and Problem
20:56 Clarifying the Process
22:49 Envisioning What's Possible