Book a Clarity Call with Alex

148 - If You Want A Strong Foundation With Your Story, Dig Before You Build!

Season #2

Word of advice: If you want to build something that lasts, you have to first dig for the foundation! 

In today’s episode of the 'no Boring Stories' podcast, we’ll be talking all about your STORY becoming the foundation upon which you can build a strong and long-lasting business, brand and message. 

In my experience, nothing creates a stronger foundation than doing the work, digging DEEP, and really clarifying your story. This is indeed the digging and exploring that comes before you build!

I’ll be sharing a little story and metaphor about how I discovered this or really remembered feeling the impact of digging a foundation, so be sure to tune in to the full episode.

A reminder that if you have a business idea, don’t move it forward with speed and anxiety; take your time, do some planning and create your foundation first, so that once the building starts, it is right. 

Do you need some help with clarifying your story before you start building? Connect with me! :)


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Music by Austin Archer >>> here: