Book a Clarity Call with Alex

Storytelling and Copywriting w Brenna McGowan

Season #1

Today on the show we’ve got the queen of email, Brenna McGowan, she’s an award-winning email copy writer who helps get the confetti out of your head and into personality filled copy that glides onto the page. She is so fun to talk to. She is open for all of my challenging questions and situations, in fact near the beginning of this conversation I just invite her to help me write some copy and dig up a story for a good email. She reveals her process, takes me through it, and I believe that we create some magic here. Which isn’t surprising because she really has a knack for helping clients tell every day stories that fill up their programs and create massive results in their sales. You are going to love Brenna, her personality, her story, and how she just really pulls the curtain back on what she does. By the end of this episode you’ll understand even more how to create captivating copy using your stories along the way.

>>> Find Brenna on IG @brennamcgowanco

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Music by Austin Archer >>> here: